Christina Aguilera: More Than A Woman

Christina Aguilera: More Than A Woman

Цена: 1419.00 р.

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She's a blonde with a brain and a babe with a voice that can stretch across five octaves, but Christina is nobody's fool. Ten years into a career that has often seen her accused as being a copyist, a bimbo and sometimes far worse, she remains the hottest of talents and the sexiest of women, but unlike some of her early contemporaries, she hasn't sold her soul to achieve her goals. This film goes behind the scenes and discovers exactly how Christina Aguilera gained so much success in a field where millions fail every year. Using exclusive interviews with the herself, rare footage, hundree of seldom seen photographsf location shoots, news-clips, contributions from her nearest and dearest and a host of other features, this DVD truly tells the story of the genie who stayed out of the bottle.
Вес: 90
Ширина упаковки: 135
Высота упаковки: 15
Глубина упаковки: 193
Название: Christina Aguilera: More Than A Woman
Тип: Музыкальная видеопрограмма
Длительность мин: 47
Дистрибьютор: Концерн "Группа Союз"
Кодировка: PAL
Формат изображения: Standart 4:3 (1,33:1)
Зона: 0 (All)
Количество слоев: DVD-5 (1 слой)
Количество носителей: 1
Упаковка: Keep case
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