The Beatles: Composing Songbook 1957-1965

The Beatles: Composing Songbook 1957-1965

Цена: 1199.00 р.

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The Beatles' music is more familiar to more people than that of any other group, artist or composer; there can barely be an adult on the planet who can't hum at least a couple of their tunes. And the composers of the vast majority of these timeless songs have arguably eclipsed the offerings of anyone who's penned a tune before or since. Composing the Beatles Songbook - Lennon and McCartney 1957- 1965 is an independent documentary film, which reviews the partnership, music and impact of Lennon and McCartney as composers. From the day they met in 1957 until the release of the Rubber Soul album at the end of 1965, the film dissects and contrasts, reassesses and ultimately provides one of the finest films made about the band during this period. Drawing on rare footage, classic performances and penetrating revelations from friends of the pair, Beatles academics and musicologists, this program discovers the true story of how those classic songs were written.
Вес: 150
Ширина упаковки: 200
Высота упаковки: 20
Глубина упаковки: 140
Название: The Beatles: Composing Songbook 1957-1965
Тип: Музыкальная видеопрограмма
Длительность мин: 80
Дистрибьютор: Концерн "Группа Союз"
Кодировка: PAL
Формат изображения: Standart 4:3 (1,33:1)
Зона: 5
Количество слоев: DVD-5 (1 слой)
Упаковка: Keep case
Дополнительные материалы: Бонусы:

Английский Dolby Digital 2.0

Хронометраж: 7 минут

  • Extended Interviews with: Barry Milers, Maureen Cleave, Klaus Voorman

  • Steve Turner and Chris Ingham on 'We Can Work It Out'

  • Contributor Biographies

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