Nirvana: A Classic Album Under Review - In Utero

Nirvana: A Classic Album Under Review - In Utero

Цена: 1569.00 р.

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By 1993, Nirvana was in a state of disarray. Having kick-started the grunge phenomenon two years earlier, the band were now keen to return to their roots. The extraordinary music which resulted from this impulse was the most "punk-rock" they ever recorded. In Utero: A Classic Album Under Review is a documentary film which revisits and re-assesses this startling record, and with the use of archive footage and contributions from those around at the time, concludes that Nirvana's final studio work remains arguably their finest of all. Features IncludeLive and studio performances of tracks from In Utero, reviewed by a panel of esteemed expertsBand interviews, rarely seen photographs and archive footageReview, comment, criticism and insight from; original Nirvana drummer,Chad Channing; Bleach producer and studio owner, Jack Endino; Kurt's former girlfriend, Tracy Marander; celebrated Kurt Cobain biographer, Charles R. Cross; Seattle record label boss, Slim Moon; Wire magazine and ex-Melody Maker journalist (and early champion of Nirvana), David Stubbs Seattle Times reporter, Pete Blecha; Mojo writer and Nirvana expert, Ben Thompson; music journalist and author Mark Paytress, and othersFootage of and comment on Nirvana's pivotal musical influences
Вес: 120
Ширина упаковки: 135
Высота упаковки: 15
Глубина упаковки: 190
Название: Nirvana: A Classic Album Under Review - In Utero
Тип: Документальный фильм
Длительность мин: 63
Дистрибьютор: Концерн "Группа Союз"
Кодировка: PAL
Формат изображения: Standart 4:3 (1,33:1)
Зона: 0 (All)
Количество слоев: DVD-5 (1 слой)
Упаковка: Картонный бокс + кеер case
Дополнительные материалы: Extras Include

  • Bonus feature: 'Unplugged In New York: A Classic Album?'
  • Interactive Digital Nirvana Quiz
  • Full contributor biographies
  • Beyond DVD section

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