Manuel Maria Ponce: Guitar Works: Urtext
Manuel Maria Ponce

Manuel Maria Ponce: Guitar Works: Urtext

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In this instance we are dealing with four different kinds of manuscript score. For the Sonatina we have a clean version that may have been prepared for publishing. The manuscript fragment of the Sonata clasica, on the other hand, gives the impression of being a first draft, a sketch whose final form has not yet been determined. Theme varie et Finale also appears to be a rough draft. Here all the ideas in the composition seem more fully developed, though, and properly worked through, in spite of various corrections. The Sonate Romantique with its well-ordered appearance looks more like the manuscript of the Sonatina. Unfortunately the last movement is missing here, though: it must have been lost, and only survives in Segovia's printed edition.


Автор: Manuel Maria Ponce

Издательство: Schott

Год выпуска: 2015


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