Pat Metheny Group: The Way Up - Live (Blu-ray)

Pat Metheny Group: The Way Up - Live (Blu-ray)

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From the beginning, this band has been on a mission. Throughout the group's history, there has been a sense of potential and an abundance of ideas that have been thrilling to explore. The way up is a long form piece that describes in detail many of the most pressing issues in our musical lives. The original recording (2004) was a milestone for us, but the tour that followed allowed us the opportunity to discover the piece in front of audiences around the world over the course of a 6 month tour. This film, shot during the Asian leg of that tour in Seoul, Korea, is an accurate and special documentation of the group at its best, performing The Way Up - Live.Pat MethenyTracklist: 01. Opening02. Part One03. Part Two04. Part Three
Вес: 85
Ширина упаковки: 140
Высота упаковки: 10
Глубина упаковки: 180
Название: Pat Metheny Group: The Way Up - Live
Тип: Музыкальный фильм,Blu-ray
Продюсер: Пэт Мэтэни
Длительность мин: 90
Дистрибьютор: Metheny Group Productions,ООО "Юниверсал Мьюзик"
Зона: С
Количество носителей: 1
Упаковка: Keep case
Издание: Импортное
Дополнительные материалы: Издание содержит буклет с фотографиями и дополнительной информацией на английском языке.


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