Bob Dylan: World Tour 1966-1974

Bob Dylan: World Tour 1966-1974

Цена: 1399.00 р.

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Barry Feinstein was the on exclusive tour photographer on Bob Dylan and The Band's legendary1966 and 1974 World Tours. In this film, Feinstein and Director Joel Gilbert chronicle these epic Bob Dylan tours, featuring over 150 selections of Feinstein's finest portraits - most revealed for the first time - in this extraordinary document of Bob Dylan and rock music history. For the years in between, Gilbert visits Woodstock and Greenwich Village, New York, where he investigates Dylan's secluded life before his return to the road in 1974. Gilbert recreates the singer-songwriter's 1966 motorcycle accident, pays a visit to Big Pink, examines Dylan's first encounter with The Beatles, and even confronts fanatic Dylanologist A.J. Weberman. Interviews with filmmaker D.A. Pennebaker, rock journalism godfather Al Aronowitz, Band drummer Micky Jones and surprise guests help reveal Bob Dylan's hidden history behind Feinstein's astonishing images.
Вес: 90
Ширина упаковки: 135
Высота упаковки: 15
Глубина упаковки: 193
Название: Bob Dylan - World Tour 1966-1974
Тип: Документальный фильм,DVD
Продюсер: Джоель Гилберт
Длительность мин: 118
Дистрибьютор: Концерн "Группа Союз"
Кодировка: PAL
Формат изображения: Standart 4:3 (1,33:1)
Зона: 5
Количество слоев: DVD-9 (2 слоя)
Количество носителей: 1
Упаковка: Keep case
Дополнительные материалы: Хронометраж: 39 минут,

Английский Dolby Digital 2.0

Special Features: 4 Photo Galleries

Bonus Interviews: Bruce Langhorne & Izzy Young


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