Bargaining and Market Behavior: Essays in Experimental Economics

Bargaining and Market Behavior: Essays in Experimental Economics

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This second collection of papers by Vernon L. Smith, a creator of the field of experimental economics, includes many of his primary authored and coauthored contributions on bargaining and market behavior between 1990 and 1998. The essays explore the use of laboratory experiments to test propositions derived from economics and game theory. They also investigate the relationship between experimental economics and psychology, particularly the field of evolutionary psychology, using the latter to broaden theperspective in which experimental results are interpreted. Specific themes investigated include rational choice, the notion of fairness, game theory and extensive form experimental interactions, institutions and market behavior, and the study of laboratory stock markets.
Вес: 802
Количество страниц:
Автор на обложке: Vernon L. Smith
ISBN: 0521584507
Язык издания: Английский


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