Price Dynamics in Equilibrium Models - The Search for Equilibrium and the Emergence of Endogenous Fluctuations
Jan Tuinstra

Price Dynamics in Equilibrium Models - The Search for Equilibrium and the Emergence of Endogenous Fluctuations

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A long-standing unsolved problem in economic theory is how economic equilibria are attained. Price Dynamics in Equilibrium Models: The Search for Equilibrium and the Emergence of Endogenous Fluctuations considers a number of adjustment processes in different economic models and investigates their dynamical behaviour. Two important themes arising in this context are "bounded rationality" and "nonlinear dynamics". Important sub-themes of the book are the following: how do boundedly rational agents interact with their environment and does this interaction in some sense lead to rational outcomes (which may or may not correspond to equilibria)? The second sub-theme deals with the consequences of the nonlinear dynamical nature of many adjustment processes. The results presented in this volume indicate that endogenous fluctuations are the rule rather than the exception in the search for equilibrium. The book uses the theory of nonlinear dynamics to analyze the dynamics of the different...


Автор: Jan Tuinstra

ISBN: 978-0792372653, 0792372654

Издательство: Springer

Год выпуска: 2000


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