The Melting Pot in Israel: The Commission of Inquiry Concerning Education in the Immigrant Camps During the Early Years of the State
Zvi Zameret

The Melting Pot in Israel: The Commission of Inquiry Concerning Education in the Immigrant Camps During the Early Years of the State

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This volume combines a translation of substantial portions of one of the most important documents in the early history of Israel-the Government commission of inquiry concerning education in the immigrant camps, appointed in 1950-with analysis of the ensuing public debates and repercussions, and their meaning for Israeli society today. Using extensive historical research, Zameret traces the development of political and social processes in the early years of Israel's existence and points to their far-reaching and decisive implications for contemporary Israeli society, including the rise of Shas, the political party created by ultra-Orthodox Oriental Jews.


Автор: Zvi Zameret

ISBN: 0791452565

Издательство: State University of New York Press

Год выпуска: 2002


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