Modern Commercial Paper: The New Law of Negotiable Instruments
Steve M. Nickles

Modern Commercial Paper: The New Law of Negotiable Instruments

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Tool for teaching Revised UCC Article 3 and 4 and related commercial paper. Coverage largely traditional (mostly negotiable instruments) but presentation is new. Every section is divided into three parts: A basic explanation of the law (the Story); that sets up cases and other primary sources (the Law); that are behind a logical and easy-to–teach set of problems (Practice). Each section is free – standing to allow instructors to pick and choose what to teach, using text, cases, problems or a combination of all. Chapters are designed to allow flexibility with respect to substance and individual method of teaching.


Автор: Steve M. Nickles

ISBN: 0314032401

Издательство: West Group Publishing

Год выпуска: 1993


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