The Power of Focus

The Power of Focus

Цена: 949.00 р.

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The No1 problem that stops people getting what they want is lack of focus. Those that focus on what they want to achieve prosper, while those that don't struggle. In The Power of Focus, you'll discover the specific focusing strategies used by the world's most successful men and women. In this new, updated edition, you'll find out how to: - Focus on your strengths and eliminate everything that is holding you back - Change bad habits into habits that will make you debt-free and wealthy - Create an excellent balance between work and family life - without guilt! Your ability to focus will determine your future, so start now!
Вес: 100
Ширина упаковки: 140
Высота упаковки: 30
Глубина упаковки: 270
Автор на обложке: Canfield, Jack, Hansen, Mark Victor
ISBN: 9780091948221
Год выпуска: 2014
Язык издания: Английский


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