Richard L. Sandhusen


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Professor Richard Sandhusen's brand - new and important fourth edition of Marketing explains how four digital-age systems have merged into one to change marketing and management practice as much in the past five years as in the previous half century. These systems - decision support, relationship marketing, integrated marketing communication, and balanced scorecard - receive detailed analysis in this extensively updated book, which also gives more comprehensive coverage to all aspects of the global marketplace than other currently-available textbooks on the subject. Here is vital information for students soon entering business in today's ever more globally competitive world. Marketing presents a realistic hypothetical company as it faces business challenges and opportunities on a day-by-day basis. Although solidly grounded in marketing theory, the book explains marketing strategies within this realistic setting, showing many of the business tactics and decisions students are likely...
Вес: 790
Ширина: 150
Высота: 35
Глубина: 230


Автор: Richard L. Sandhusen

ISBN: 0764139320

Издательство: Barron's Educational Series

Год выпуска: 2008


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