World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling
Edward Frazelle

World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling

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This title presents timeless insights for planning and managing 21st-century warehouse operations. Despite today's just-in-time production mentality, with its efforts to eliminate warehouses and their inventory carrying costs, effective warehousing continues to play a critical bottom-line role for companies worldwide. "World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling" covers today's state-of-the-art tools, metrics, and methodologies for dramatically increasing the effectiveness, accuracy, and overall productivity of warehousing operations. Written by one of today's recognized logistics thought leaders, this comprehensive resource provides authoritative answers on such topics as: the seven principles of world-class warehousing; warehouse activity profiling; warehouse performance measures; warehouse automation and computerization; receiving and put away; storage and retrieval operations; picking and packing; and, humanizing warehouse operations. "World-Class Warehousing and...


Автор: Edward Frazelle

ISBN: 0071376003

Издательство: McGraw-Hill

Год выпуска: 2001


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