Brick by Brick: How LEGO Rewrote the Rules of Innovation and Conquered the Global Toy Industry

Brick by Brick: How LEGO Rewrote the Rules of Innovation and Conquered the Global Toy Industry

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How do you give people the room to innovate while retaining focus? How do you allow autonomy while ensuring accountability? How do you deliver over the short term while building for the long term? Above all, how do you work within the limits of business orthodoxy and still deliver a no-nonsense plan for expansive growth? Sometimes radical, yet always applicable, Brick by Brick abounds with real-world lessons for unleashing breakthrough innovation in your organization, just like LEGO. Whether you're a senior executive looking to make your company grow, an entrepreneur building a start-up from scratch, or a fan who wants to instill some of that LEGO magic in your career, you'll learn how to build your own innovation advantage, brick by brick.
Вес: 290
Ширина упаковки: 130
Высота упаковки: 22
Глубина упаковки: 205
Автор на обложке: David Robertson, Bill Breen
Автор: David Robertson,Билл Брин
Тип издания: Отдельное издание
Тип обложки: Мягкая обложка
Формат издания: 130x205
Издательство: Crown Business Publications
ISBN: 978-0-307-95161-8
Год выпуска: 2013
Количество страниц: 328
Язык издания: Английский


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