F..k This Journal: Betterness Through Bitterness
Dale Shaw

F..k This Journal: Betterness Through Bitterness

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Paralysed with bitterness and an overwhelming desire to push people over? Looking for ways to spur your rotten creative core? Need an outlet for your twisted thoughts and pathetic dreams? Struggling for a secret santa gift for the creepy bloke in marketing? Well, look no further than F**K This Journal - the only book to use anger and resentment as the pointy stick to goad your inner artistic pursuits. It's time to embrace your "Cre-hate-tivity". And remember: You are a star! (Dim, distant and dead inside.)


Автор: Dale Shaw

ISBN: 978-1-4722-3072-0

Издательство: Headline Book Publishing

Год выпуска: 2015


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