Our Perfect Marriage

Our Perfect Marriage

Цена: 1260.00 р.

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Quick! What's your spouse's...-Guilty pleasure food?-Weirdest body part? -Worst dinner party story?-Most unforgiveable personality flaw?-Opinion about James Cameron's 1997 blockbuster "Titanic?"Every married couple faces questions like these--and now there's an attractive keepsake guided journal to record all the answers.With fill-in-the-blank prompts, questions, and activities, Our Perfect Marriage provides the perfect place for couples to record and treasure their every magical moment in matrimony. Authors Alan and Claire Linic--an Actual Married Couple and the creators of the hilarious viral hit Twitter account @WeFoughtAbout--probe the depths of partnerhood with deep questionnaires, soul-searching scrapbooking exercises (The Story of Us as Told by Receipts: First Grocery Trip, First Dinner Out, First Online Purchase. First Huge Spending Mistake, Found This One In A Pocket, No Idea), and clinically-precise inkblot tests (Come on, neither of you sees a bird's-eye view of a Viking using one of those flying squirrel suits? Okay, whatever).The book will make couples laugh when they receive it, joyful as they complete it, and relieved when they check in on it later in life to remember some minute detail that's suddenly a big deal. The book is interactive, and, once filled out, will become the perfect coffee table book, keepsake, or "in your face" gift to an ex.
Вес: 501
Ширина упаковки: 1
Высота упаковки: 1
Глубина упаковки: 1
Год выпуска: 2016
Автор на обложке: Alan Linic
ISBN: 9781594749346


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