Love in the Louvre

Love in the Louvre

Цена: 1319.00 р.

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Love in the Louvre celebrates the many faces of love via works from the Louvre collection. This book presents the universal and multifaceted theme of love as depicted in art from m a ny different cultures and eras. Such wo rks abound in the Louvres diverse collection, ranging from classical examples such as Nicostratos sculpture Couple on their Wedding Night to more modern wo rks such as Fragonards The Lock. The selected works also present a variety of scenes ranging from the first seeds of romance to sensual and passionate intrigues. This beautiful volume is packed with works from m a ny of the Louvres departments. Each painting or sculpture is shown in its entirety and in detail, focusing on the elements pertaining to the theme of love. Art lovers will see the wo rks in a new way and the romantically-inclined will be equally enchanted.
Вес: 501
Год выпуска: 2008
Автор на обложке: Jean-Claude Bologne
ISBN: 9782080300775
Язык издания: Английский


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