Dress Scandinavian: Style your Life and Wardrobe the Danish Way

Dress Scandinavian: Style your Life and Wardrobe the Danish Way

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brands and no one personifies modern Danish cool as well as fashion industry stylist, blogger and model Pernille Teisbaek. In her gorgeous first book Pernille offers professional tips on how to create a minimalist wardrobe and look, mix and match patterns successfully, adopt androgynous looks or new colour combinations, try out new materials and mix fabrics, plus plenty of timeless fashion advice such as a jeans-fit guide and essential Dos and Don’ts. Her beauty chapter reveals Pernille’s capsule survival kit and how to achieve her natural look. Pernille also covers pared-back Scandinavian home design with an eye on balancing elegant simplicity and minimalism with inviting homeliness and warmth, or hygge, and inspirational pictures. A perfect gift for all Scandi lovers and anyone wanting insider advice from one of fashion’s most stylish experts.
Вес: 501
Ширина упаковки: 1
Высота упаковки: 1
Глубина упаковки: 1
Автор на обложке: Pernille Teisbaek
Издательство: Ebury Press
ISBN: 9781785037061
Год выпуска: 2017
Количество страниц: 256


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