Speakout Elementary Student's Book with DVD (2Ed)
Steve Oakes,Fances Eales

Speakout Elementary Student's Book with DVD (2Ed)

Цена: 1359.00 р.

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От издателя

The Students' Book has a motivating DVD spread at the end of every unit. Based on authentic clips from the BBC's rich archive, these lessons are designed to consolidate language and act as a springboard for further speaking and writing tasks. Twelve units with 90 to 120 hours of teaching material. Comprehensive Language Bank with detailed explanations and extra practice. Photo bank to expand vocabulary Audio and video scripts Refreshed with new visuals and texts, including content from the BBC and other sources. A revised vocabulary syllabus with more recycling of language. Clear signposting on the page to make teaching and learning easier. Audio material for use in class DVD content (BBC clips and interview)
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Автор: Steve Oakes,Fances Eales

ISBN: 9781292115924

Издательство: Pearson ESL

Год выпуска: 2016


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