Code Red: Level B2: Class Audio CD: Units1-10 (аудиокурс на CD)
Michele Crawford, Rob Nicholas, Stuart Cochrane

Code Red: Level B2: Class Audio CD: Units1-10 (аудиокурс на CD)

Цена: 182.00 р.

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This is a new and lively course for teenagers. It aims to build up their general English skills while gently easing them into more tailored PET and FCE exam practice. The clear yet integrated approach develops reading, writing, listening and speaking skills whilst there is systematic build-up of topic-based lexis and lexico-grammar. The topic-based units cover general topics common to international exams, but these are approached in a way that is appropriate to the experience and interest of the target age group.


Автор: Michele Crawford, Rob Nicholas, Stuart Cochrane

Издательство: Leo Publishing Group

Год выпуска: 2010


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