Let's Knit: Learn to Knit with 12 Easy Projects

Let's Knit: Learn to Knit with 12 Easy Projects

Цена: 416.00 р.

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This book includes 10 easy knitting projects for kids from cool animals to beautiful bracelets and bags. Your child will learn how to knit in no time with "Let's Knit". From holding needles and knitting patterns to knitting stitches, "Let's Knit" teaches your child how to create their very own collection of cuddly creatures including, cute kittens, beastly bats or soft sheep. "Let's Knit" is perfect for kids wishing to pick up a new, enjoyable hobby and parents looking for a way to get children into craft-making. Simple instructions and knitting patterns are easy-to-follow, the hard part is choosing which creature you want to make first!


ISBN: 978-0-2411-9723-3

Издательство: Дорлинг Киндерсли

Год выпуска: 2015


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