Billy & Buddy Vol.2: Bored Silly with Billy

Billy & Buddy Vol.2: Bored Silly with Billy

Цена: 579.00 р.

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Billy has a very normal life, growing up in a typical family in a nondescript town. His dog, however, is a bit unusual: a cocker spaniel with human - or, as he often reflects himself, superior - intelligence. Buddy's got his posse of dog pals, his nemesis, the neighbour's cat, and him almost-sister Caroline, the family tortoise. But it is with his best friend Billy that he gets up to the highest mischief, targeting everyone equally with love and abandon.
Вес: 501
Количество страниц: 48
Год выпуска: 2010
Автор на обложке: Jean Roba
ISBN: 9781849180498


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