Billy & Buddy Vol.1: Remember This, Billy?

Billy & Buddy Vol.1: Remember This, Billy?

Цена: 679.00 р.

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Buddy is a normal 7-year-old growing up in a normal family, in a normal town. His best friend is a Cocker Spaniel named Billy, who is not so normal - he can make himself understood by humans without words and can talk to other animals. Billy's best friend is the family tortoise, Caroline. Together Billy and Buddy get up to all sorts of mischief, gently tormenting those around them. The family setting is overflowing with love and tenderness - and the duo's pranks are guaranteed to make readers of all ages roar with laughter.
Вес: 501
Количество страниц: 48
Год выпуска: 2009
Автор на обложке: Jean Roba
ISBN: 9781905460915


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