Intertextuality: Debates and Contexts

Intertextuality: Debates and Contexts

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This book is a comprehensive introduction to the idea of intertextuality and the debates surrounding it, focusing on the four key thinkers whose work has been central to these debates - Kristeva, Barthes, Bloom and Genette.A comprehensive ntroduction to 'intertextuality', a term which describes the idea that meaning only exists between a text and all the other texts to which it refers and relates.Focuses on the four key thinkers whose work has been central to these debates- Kristeva, Barthes, Bloom and Genette, guiding the reader through the original texts of each of these. Of special importance is the author’s reading (and translation) of other parts of Kristeva’s Semeiotike. Takesa fresh approach to the rival French critics - Angenot, Derrida, Girard and Ricoeur - who also worked on intertexuality and tackles the 'language' of intertextuality, shining new light on some of the terminology most commonly associated with this concept.
Вес: 379
Тип обложки (Переплет): Мягкая обложка
Количество страниц: 256
Год выпуска: 2003
Автор на обложке: Mary Orr
ISBN: 0745631215
Тип издания: Отдельное издание
Язык издания: Английский
Издательство: Polity
Автор: Мэри Орр


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