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In his signature style of grand storytelling, James A. Michener transports us back thousands of years to the Holy Land. Through the discoveries of modern archaeologists excavating the site of Tell Makor, Michener vividly recreates life in an ancient city and traces the profound history of the Jewish people--from the persecution of the early Hebrews, the rise of Christianity, and the Crusades to the founding of Israel and modern conflict in the Middle East. An epic tale of love, strength, and faith, The Source is a richly written saga that encompasses the history of Western civilization and the great religious and cultural ideas that have shaped our world.
Вес: 720
Ширина упаковки: 145
Высота упаковки: 40
Глубина упаковки: 210
Год выпуска: 2014
Автор на обложке: MICHENER, JAMES A.
ISBN: 9780375760389
Publisher: Dial Press Trade Paperback


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