Мемуары деятелей искусства

Little Keith Lemon: Memoirs of Me Childhood
Keith Lemon

Little Keith Lemon: Memoirs of Me Childhood
Цена: 948.00 р.

Have you ever wondered how Keith Lemon went from life as a young nipper in Leeds to being the strawberry blonde star of CELEBRITY JUICE surrounded by bang tidy lasses? What made him the man he is today? In this heart-warming and inspirational memoir, Keith reveals the story of his childhood, lifting the lid on all the experiences of northern youth that have led him to become an international ladies' man and national treasure. In this Adrian Mole meets VIZ's PROFANISAURUS-style full colour memoir, Keith reminisces about his journey from baby to babe-magnet, delving deep into his past and his early years as an unbelievably talented youngster in Leeds (even before he became a professional sex symbol).
Fathomless Riches: Or How I Went from Pop to Pulpit
Richard Coles

Fathomless Riches: Or How I Went from Pop to Pulpit
Цена: 1128.00 р.

FATHOMLESS RICHES - a phrase characteristic of St Paul and his followers - is a deeply personal and illuminating account of a transformation from hedonistic self-abandonment to 'the moment that changed everything'. Funny, warm, witty and wise, it is a memoir which has the power to shock as well as to console. It will be hailed as one of the most unusual and readable life stories of recent times.
Rebecca Front

Цена: 780.00 р.

CURIOUS is a collection of delightfully witty stories by actress, comedy writer and columnist Rebecca Front. Rebecca has always used anecdotes from her own life to inform not only the characters she plays in such series as THE THICK OF IT and NIGHTY NIGHT, but also her frequent observational comment pieces for the GUARDIAN, INDEPENDENT and other magazines. In CURIOUS, she takes those characters further, exploring and delighting in the absurdities of life, the oddities of human nature. Rebecca's acutely observed, refreshingly honest and deliciously funny take on contemporary life will delight her fans and win her many new ones.
Osbourne, Kelly

Цена: 428.00 р.

Kelly Osbourne is the child of one of the best documented - and least ordinary - families in Britain and life under the spotlight means she has had to learn from her mistakes the hard way. Fierce takes us from Kelly's first period to her first night in Chicago. From depression and dealing with alcohol and drugs, to coping with the ultimate embarrassing dad, this book is totally honest and totally Kelly. Including advice from leading organisations and experts in their field, fashion tips, musical pet hates and even Kelly's awkward fifteen-year-old photos, this book combines exclusive insights into Kelly's own transformation from tomboy to gorgeous grown-up, with secrets, tips and spot-on suggestions to help other girls through the minefield that is growing up. Fierce is an inspiration to anyone struggling to work out who they are, what they want to look like and what's right for them. It will be your best friend in book form.
Mo' Meta Blues: The World According to Questlove
Ahmir Thompson, Ben Greenman

Mo' Meta Blues: The World According to Questlove
Цена: 535.00 р.

The World According to Questlove Mo' Meta Blues is a punch-drunk memoir in which Everyone's Favorite Questlove tells his own story while tackling some of the lates, the greats, the fakes, the philosophers, the heavyweights, and the true originals of the music world. He digs deep into the album cuts of his life and unearths some pivotal moments in black art, hip hop, and pop culture. Ahmir 'Questlove' Thompson is many things: virtuoso drummer, producer, arranger, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon bandleader, DJ, composer, and tireless Tweeter.
Моя музыка - моя жизнь
Рави Шанкар

Моя музыка - моя жизнь
Цена: 213.00 р.

Если у Вас есть желание познакомиться с индийской музыкальной культурой и узнать о ее таинствах и некоторых тонкостях из уст одного из выдающихся ее представителей, то Вы сделали правильный выбор! Вряд ли можно найти еще где-нибудь более понятное и в то же время обстоятельное изложение этого своеобразного музыкального феномена. Если Вы слышали имя Рави Шанкара как виртуозного исполнителя на ситаре, и даже имели возможность познакомиться с его концертными записями, то Вам, вероятно, будет интересно получить дополнительные сведения как о самом маэстро, так и об исповедуемых им творческих принципах.
Уйти, вернуться. Сила страстей
Анни Жирардо

Уйти, вернуться. Сила страстей
Цена: 314.00 р.

Книга "Уйти, вернуться" - воспоминания Анни Жирардо. Одна из величайших актрис французского и мирового кинематографа ХХ века ведет свой рассказ порой иронично, порой с легкой грустью, но всегда доброжелательно и с большой теплотой к тем людям, с которыми свела ее долгая и плодотворная жизнь в искусстве. Она снялась более чем в ста фильмах и сыграла в десятках спектаклей на сценах знаменитых европейских театров.
All I Know Now: Wonderings and Reflections on Growing up Gracefully
Carrie Hope Fletcher

All I Know Now: Wonderings and Reflections on Growing up Gracefully
Цена: 909.00 р.

My name is Carrie and I'm twenty-two years old. Apparently that makes me an adult. Yikes. 'hides stuffed animals<br> Anyhow, grown up or not, I did manage to make it through 'the Teen Age' more or less in one piece and, a few years ago, I started talking and writing online about some of the things I learnt back then... and a few things I've realised since. My daft videos and blogs about broken hearts, bullies and body image - among other things - seemed to help people, so I collected all those thoughts and bits of advice and ramblings into a book. This book. And gosh, isn't it pretty? Go on, stroke it. You know you want to. <br> I'm not an expert on 'life' (things I am an expert on-, cake, Disney, making the perfect cuppa - that's about it) but I think I do know a bit about what's worrying you* and maybe, with a little bit of luck, some of my stories will make you smile, make you think and, most of all, give you faith that it will all work out all right in...
Modern Nature: The Journals of Derek Jarman
Derek Jarman

Modern Nature: The Journals of Derek Jarman
Цена: 624.00 р.

Six years ago Derek Jarman, the brilliant and controversial film-maker, discovered he was HIV positive and decided to make a garden at his cottage on the bleak coast of Dungeness, where he also wrote these extraordinarily candid journals. Looking back over his childhood, coming out in the '60s and his career in films, MODERN NATURE is at once a volume of autobiography, a lament for a lost generation and a celebration of gay sexuality. "It's hard not to warm to the man who, in the face of all the personal and professional hardships described in this book, can still regard himself as 'the most fortunate film-maker of my generation".
Философия Энди Уорхола (От А к Б и наоборот)
Уорхол Энди

Философия Энди Уорхола (От А к Б и наоборот)
Цена: 579.00 р.

Энди Уорхол - культовый американский художник, режиссер, продюсер, издатель, один из основателей поп-арта. В своей автобиографической «Философии» он делится с читателями мыслями о славе, отношениях, деньгах, сексе, еде, моде, работе, времени, Нью-Йорке и о том, что значит быть современным. В отличие от книг других художников, манифест Уорхола — литературное произведение, в котором размышления об искусстве чередуются с воспоминаниями о детстве, а диалоги с вымышленным Б — с полноценными рассказами от первого лица. Все это делает «Философию» еще одним великим поп-произведением художника, созданным на этот раз с помощью слов, а не красок.
Vivienne Westwood
Vivienne Westwood,Ian Kelly

Vivienne Westwood
Цена: 2439.00 р.

Vivienne Westwood
Музыка моей жизни. Воспоминания маэстро
Раймонд Паулс, Ксения Загоровская

Музыка моей жизни. Воспоминания маэстро
Цена: 262.00 р.

Музыкант и композитор Раймонд Паулс - самый знаменитый латыш. Он родился и живет в Латвии, однако его произведения исполняются в лучших концертных залах стран бывшего СССР и зарубежья. Он визитная карточка, национальная легенда, символ Риги, Юрмалы, Латвии. Основное место в произведениях Паулса занимают популярные песни, музыка к кинофильмам и спектаклям - Паулс написал более пятиста песен, музыку к тридцати фильмам, двадцати театральным постановкам, трем балетам, создал множество инструментальных произведений. Его произведения объединяют в себе народные, джазовые, блюзовые интонации, современные ритмы и чувство гармонии. Он - отец латышской эстрады и мюзикла, вырастивший целую плеяду музыкантов. Человек, который получает удовольствие от музыки и щедро делится этим счастьем с другими. Заслуженный деятель искусств и народный артист, лауреат многих премий, кавалер многих орденов... Но звания, должности и регалии рядом с его именем упоминаются очень редко, почти никогда. Он -...

Цена: 978.00 р.

Wildflower will be a portrait of Drew's life in stories as she looks back on her earlier years from the happy and healthy perspective she has today. It will include stories about living on her own at 14 (and how laundry may have saved her life), getting stuck in a gas station overhang in a cross country road trip, saying goodbye to her father in a way only he could have understood, and many more adventures and lessons that have led to the most important thing in her life, which is motherhood. It will be the first book Drew has written about her life since the age of 14.
The Diva Rules: Ditch the Drama, Find Your Strength, and Sparkle Your Way to the Top
Michelle Visage

The Diva Rules: Ditch the Drama, Find Your Strength, and Sparkle Your Way to the Top
Цена: 1014.00 р.

Michelle Visage is not your average diva. Powerful, positive, and polished, this diva's not only glamorous, she's a savvy businesswoman with serious credentials who works her tail off. From her days vogueing in the downtown Manhattan clubs in the '90s to her successful career in radio and her ultimate cult status as a judge on RuPaul's Drag Race, Michelle has achieved her dreams and then some! In The Diva Rules, Visage shares her rules and advice for living life to the fullest and finding success no matter the hand you're dealt. With her no-nonsense style and super sassy voice, Michelle tells readers to "Keep Your Shit Together, "Give Good Face," and "Be Thankful You're a Misfit," in addition to 22 other invaluable life lessons on finding your power and sparkling your way to the top.

Цена: 386.00 р.

You know Judy Greer, right? Wait, what was she in again? The Wedding Planner, 13 Going on 30, 27 Dresses, The Descendants, that remake of Carrie. Yes, you totally recognize her. And, odds are, you feel like she's already your friend. And if you don't yet, you will after reading this collection of hilarious essays, about how a midnight shopping trip to CVS can cure all; what it's like to have stepchildren; and how she really feels about her mother. But Judy Greer isn't just a regular friend--she's a celebrity friend, a star who really is "just like us". While she sometimes has a stylist and a make-up artist, she still wears (and hates!) Spanx. Judy offers a hilarious look behind Hollywood's glitzy veneer: which celebrities she's peed next to, what it's actually like to attend the Oscars (and have your dress dissolve around you), and which hot actor gave her father a Harley Davidson.

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