Cry Freedom: The Legendary True Story of Steve Biko and the Friendship that Defied Apartheid

Cry Freedom: The Legendary True Story of Steve Biko and the Friendship that Defied Apartheid

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Under South Africa's brutal apartheid regime, black activist Steve Biko has been working tirelessly for years to undermine the system when he meets white journalist Donald Woods. Initially suspicious of Biko and his motives, Woods finds himself united with Biko in common cause after Biko reveals to him the true extent of police atrocities in the black townships. And when tragedy strikes, the powerful bond that has been forged between them leads Woods to make a courageous stand on his friend's behalf, risking everything to expose the horrors of this murderous regime.
Вес: 305
Ширина упаковки: 140
Высота упаковки: 30
Глубина упаковки: 210
Автор на обложке: John Briley
Автор: John Briley
Тип издания: Отдельное издание
Тип обложки: Мягкая обложка
Издательство: Penguin
ISBN: 0241950724, 9780241950722
Год выпуска: 2011
Количество страниц: 280
Язык издания: Английский


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