Christopher Baker


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Giovanni Antonio Canal, called Canaletto, is one of the most popular of all old master painters, admired for his magnificant views of Venice and London. In the words of one of his contemporaries, Canaletto had the power to paint so that 'the eye is deceived and truly believes it is the real thing it sees'. Apprenticed to his artist father, Canaletto began his career as a scene-painter. He spent his formative years in Venice and is best known for his depictions of the buildings, canals and festivals of his native city, but he also spent several years in England, where he painted many stunning London scenes, including Westminster Bridge, Whitehall and the Old Horse Guards, as well as views of Warwick Castle and Eton College.


Автор: Christopher Baker

ISBN: 978 0 7148 3249 4

Издательство: Phaidon Press

Год выпуска: 2007

Серия: Colour Library


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