Diego Velazquez
Victoria Charles, Klaus H. Carl

Diego Velazquez

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Diego Velazquez is one of the world’s most famous artists. Representative of 17th century European painting, he worked for the Spanish court and for the most important figures, completing numerous portraits. Yet, passionate about the human figure, his oeuvre also encompasses bodegones, representations of daily life in the taverns and kitchens of Spain. Considered the father of Spanish painting, Velazquez inspired entire generations of the artists who followed him, including Picasso, Dali, and Bacon. His mysterious painting Las Meninas, which contains the essence of his work, is still today an inexhaustible source for writing and research.


Автор: Victoria Charles, Klaus H. Carl

ISBN: 978-1781601594, 1781601593

Издательство: Parkstone Press

Год выпуска: 2015

Серия: Art Gallery


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