The Complete Stories of Sherlock Holmes

The Complete Stories of Sherlock Holmes

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This book contains all the investigations and adventures of the world's most popular detective, Sherlock Holmes. From "A Study in Scarlet" to "His Last Bow", we follow the illustrious career of this quintessential British hero from his university days to his final case. His efforts to uncover the truth take him all over the world and into conflict with all manner of devious criminals and dangerous villains, but thankfully his legendary powers of deduction, and his faithful companion Dr. Watson, are more than up to the challenge.
Вес: 1490
Ширина упаковки: 160
Высота упаковки: 62
Глубина упаковки: 240
Тип обложки (Переплет): Тканевый переплет
Количество страниц: 1408
Формат издания: 160x240
Год выпуска: 2007
Автор на обложке: Arthur Conan Doyle
ISBN: 978-1-84022-076-6
Тип издания: Авторский сборник
Язык издания: Английский
Персонаж: Шерлок Холмс
Серия: Wordsworth Library Collection
Издательство: Wordsworth Editions Limited
Автор: Артур Конан Дойл


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