The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The White Worm
Sam Siciliano

The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The White Worm

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A journey to Whitby heralds the start of a new case for Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Henry Vernier. Their client is in love, but a mysterious letter has warned him of the dangers of the romance. The object of his affection is said to be under a thousand-year-old druidic curse, doomed to take the form of a gigantic snake. Locals speak of a green glow in the woods at night, and a white apparition amongst the trees. Is there sorcery at work, or is a human hand behind the terrors of Diana’s Grove?


Автор: Sam Siciliano

ISBN: 9781783295555

Издательство: Titan Books

Год выпуска: 2016


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