Blood Ties
S. J. Rozan

Blood Ties

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Some crimes strike too close to home...Private detective Bill Smith is hurtled headlong into the most provocative - and personal - case of his career when he receives a chilling late night telephone call from the NYPD. They're holding his fifteen-year-old nephew Gary. But before he can find out what's going on, Gary escapes Bill's custody and disappears into the dark and unfamiliar streets...With his partner, Lydia Chin, Bill tries to find the missing teen and uncover what it is that has led him so far from home. Their search takes them to Gary's family in a small town in New Jersey, where they discover that one of Gary's classmates was murdered. Bill and Lydia delve into the crime-only to find it eerily similar to a decades-old murder-suicide...Please note: this novel is published in the US as WINTER AND NIGHT.


Автор: S. J. Rozan

ISBN: 978-0-09-193635-8

Издательство: Ebury Press

Год выпуска: 2011


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