Jar City: A Reykjavik Murder Mystery
Arnaldur Indridason

Jar City: A Reykjavik Murder Mystery

Цена: 302.00 р.

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A man is found murdered in his Reykjavik flat. There are no obvious clues apart from a cryptic note left on the body and a photograph of a young girl's grave. Detective Erlendur is forced to use all the forensic resources available to find any leads at all. Delving into the dead man's life he discovers that forty years ago he was accused of an appalling crime. Did his past come back to haunt him? Erlendur's search leads him to Iceland's Genetic Research Centre in order to find the disturbing answers to the mystery. This prize-winning international bestseller is the first in a new series of crime novels set in Iceland.


Автор: Arnaldur Indridason

ISBN: 978-0-099-54183-7

Издательство: Vintage

Год выпуска: 2010


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