The Convert's Song
Sebastian Rotella

The Convert's Song

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Valentine Pescatore has put a hazardous life in US law enforcement behind him, and started over as a private investigator in Buenos Aires. But dangers have followed him from home. Soon after a chance encounter with his long-lost friend Raymond - a charismatic, troubled man who's recently converted to Islam - a terrorist attack kills hundreds. Suspicion falls on Raymond...putting Pescatore in the frame too. Angry and betrayed, Pescatore joins forces with a beautiful French agent to clear his name by tracking his old friend down. But is Raymond a terrorist, a spy or a gangster? Is he truly lost, or can Pescatore rescue him from the deadly path he's travelling on? From the jungles of South America to the streets of Paris to the battlegrounds of Baghdad, Pescatore finds himself caught in a global conspiracy, in a race against time to prevent another atrocity.


Автор: Sebastian Rotella

ISBN: 978-1-444-78554-8

Издательство: Mulholland Books

Год выпуска: 2014


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