
Justice League of America: The Silver Age Vol. 2

Justice League of America: The Silver Age Vol. 2
Цена: 1569.00 р.

This second volume of the Justice League's Silver Age adventures includes the team's battles against some of its greatest foes. Вес: **501** Ширина упаковки: **1** Высота упаковки: **1** Глубина упаковки: **1** Год выпуска: **2016** ISBN: **9781401265151**
Archie Vol. 2

Archie Vol. 2
Цена: 1119.00 р.

The all-new ARCHIE adventure continues! Superstar writer Mark Waid teams up with the best and brightest artists in comics to bring a modern take to the legendary Riverdale cast of characters. The book will captures the bite and hilarious edge of Archie's original tales in a modern, forward-looking manner, while still retaining the character's all-ages appeal. If classic Archie is a Saturday morning cartoon, this new series is prime time! Вес: **501** Ширина упаковки: **1** Высота упаковки: **1** Глубина упаковки: **1** Год выпуска: **2016** Автор на обложке: **Mark Waid** ISBN: **9781627387989**
Usagi Yojimbo Book 1: The Ronin

Usagi Yojimbo Book 1: The Ronin
Цена: 1099.00 р.

With over fifty graphic novels in print, the samurai rabbit is more popular than ever! This is the seminal Usagi book collecting all the classic original Usagi stories from Albedo, Critters, Doomsday Squad, and the Usagi Yojimbo Summer Special. This is one of our very best sellers, and is also where Usagi started — don't miss out! The setting is 17th century Japan, when the age of civil wars has barely ended and the Shogun has established power. The samurai is the ruling class throughout the land, following a warrior's code of honor known as Bushido. Usagi Yojimbo Vol. 1 chronicles this time of settling unrest and political intrigue, told through the story of a wandering and masterless samurai named Miyamoto Usagi, aka Usagi Yojimbo! One of the great classics of the last 20 years, perfect for all ages. Вес: **115** Ширина упаковки: **160** Высота упаковки: **15** Глубина упаковки: **230** Количество страниц: **152** Год выпуска: **2006** Автор на обложке: **Stan Sakai** ISBN: **9780930193355**
Absolute Wonder Woman by Brian Azzarello & Cliff Chiang Vol. 1

Absolute Wonder Woman by Brian Azzarello & Cliff Chiang Vol. 1
Цена: 6790.00 р.

Wonder Woman must protect mankind from the warfare of the Gods spilling over into the mortal world. Вес: **501** Ширина упаковки: **1** Высота упаковки: **1** Глубина упаковки: **1** Год выпуска: **2017** Автор на обложке: **Brian Azzarello** ISBN: **9781401268480**
Batman in The Brave & The Bold: The Bronze Age Omnibus Vol. 1

Batman in The Brave & The Bold: The Bronze Age Omnibus Vol. 1
Цена: 6390.00 р.

Batman battles evil alongside a virtual who's who of 1970s DC super heroes in this massive comics collection. Вес: **2630** Ширина упаковки: **20** Высота упаковки: **60** Глубина упаковки: **290** Год выпуска: **2017** Автор на обложке: **Bob Haney** ISBN: **9781401267186**
Superman/Batman: Saga of the Super Sons (New Edition)

Superman/Batman: Saga of the Super Sons (New Edition)
Цена: 1029.00 р.

Superman, Jr. and Batman, Jr. grew up in the shadows of their fathers, two of the greatest heroes that ever lived! With burgeoning abilities as well as a super-powered pedigree, how can these two Super Sons learn how to be the same fighters of justice as Superman and Batman? Вес: **501** Ширина упаковки: **1** Высота упаковки: **1** Глубина упаковки: **1** Год выпуска: **2017** Автор на обложке: **Bob Haney** ISBN: **9781401269685**

Цена: 323.00 р.

Shusei is the most handsome and popular boy at his high school -- and he's turned down almost every girl there, including Aoi's best friend. But when his apartment catches fire, he has to move in with his neighbor: Aoi! What will these unwilling roommates become to each other when forced to share an LDK? Вес: **501** Ширина упаковки: **1** Высота упаковки: **1** Глубина упаковки: **1** Год выпуска: **2016** Автор на обложке: **Ayu Watanabe** ISBN: **9781632361615**
DC Comics. Энциклопедия суперзлодеев
Дэниел Уоллес

DC Comics. Энциклопедия суперзлодеев
Цена: 749.00 р.

Каждый фанат комиксов знает, что супергерой - ничто без достойного противника. Для каждого Бэтмена прост ообязан найтись свой Джокер, а дял каждого Супермена - свой Лекс Лютор.В этой энциклопедии собраны самые яркие, самые отпетые злодеи вселенной DC Comics. Уникальные досье на преступников Готэма и Метрополиса, враги Амазонок и Зелёных Фонарей, фрики и монстры всех мастей - всех их вы найдёте на страницах самого полного путеводителя по миру суперзлодеев.О нём расскажут сами создатели - талантливые авторы и художники DC Comics - Джим Ли, майк Карлин, Дэн Дидио, Чак Диксон  и многие другие. Вступительное слово написал режиссёр и создатель комиксов Кевин Смит, а обложку нарисовал выдающийся художник Фил Хименес. Эта энциклопедия - настоящий подарок для всех любителей комиксов. Вес: **900** Ширина упаковки: **220** Высота упаковки: **20** Глубина упаковки: **290** Оригинальное название: **Super -Villains DC** Автор: **Дэниел Уоллес** Тип издания: **Отдельное издание** Тип обложки: **Твердый переплет** Переводчик: **Анастасия Горбатова** Цветные иллюстрации: **Да**
Chimpanzee Complex, The Vol.1: Paradox

Chimpanzee Complex, The Vol.1: Paradox
Цена: 923.00 р.

In 2035, the US Navy discovers a strange space capusle that has crashed in the Indian Ocean. Helen Friedman is in charge of interrogating the two survivors, who are none other than Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin - raising the question, who are the men who came back to Earth aboard the 1969 Apollo XI mission? A lunar expedition is set up to elucidate the mystery. Helen Friedman finds herself involved in a case that will lead her much further than she ever expected - and will re-write history. Вес: **501** Количество страниц: **56** Год выпуска: **2009** Автор на обложке: **Richard Marazano** ISBN: **9781849180023**
Star Trek: The Classic UK Comics Volume 2

Star Trek: The Classic UK Comics Volume 2
Цена: 2069.00 р.

Star Trek: The Classic UK Comics Volume 2 Вес: **501** Ширина упаковки: **1** Высота упаковки: **1** Глубина упаковки: **1** Год выпуска: **2017** ISBN: **9781631407765**
Crusade Vol.4: The Fire Beaks

Crusade Vol.4: The Fire Beaks
Цена: 389.00 р.

With the Master of Machines as their new leader, the Crusaders are ready to assault Jerusalem once more. The Sultan must now choose between his love for a Christian princess and his faith. And Gauthier of Flanders, to free his ally Osarias's Jewish people, will have to confront the last part of his mysterious past, a Jinni. As the final battle is joined, truths will be revealed on the nature of gods and demons and the ambitions of men. Вес: **95** Ширина упаковки: **220** Высота упаковки: **10** Глубина упаковки: **285** Количество страниц: **52** Год выпуска: **2012** Автор на обложке: **Jean Dufaux, Philippe Xavier** ISBN: **9781849181136**
Long John Silver Vol.3: The Emerald Maze

Long John Silver Vol.3: The Emerald Maze
Цена: 401.00 р.

The bloody mutiny was a success and Long John is now in command of the Neptune. Following their native gude, the survivors find the mouth of the Amazon and sail on towards Guiana-Capac. But after the dangers of the open ocean, it's the unknown terrors of the jungle they must now face - with a damaged ship and a reduced crew. To what doom will the lush labyrinth of the Amazon lead Long John, Lady Vivian and Dr. Livesey? Вес: **501** Количество страниц: **56** Год выпуска: **2011** Автор на обложке: **Mathieu Lauffray, Xavier Dorison** ISBN: **9781849181051**
Long John Silver Vol.4: Guiana-Capac

Long John Silver Vol.4: Guiana-Capac
Цена: 859.00 р.

The Neptune is gone, stolen by the Indian guide Moc, or maybe by Guiana-Capac's malevolent gods. The last members of the ill-fated expedition: Silver, Dantzig, Livesey and Bonnet, are stranded in the ancient city. Far from being broken however, they will face head-on what lies inside the gargantuan ruin, each for his own reasons: revenge, duty, gold... or to rescue the beautiful Lady Hastings. For Moc isn't done with them, and he has plans for Vivian. Вес: **501** Количество страниц: **56** Год выпуска: **2013** Автор на обложке: **Xavier Dorison, Mathieu Lauffray** ISBN: **9781849181754**
Spooks Vol. 4

Spooks Vol. 4
Цена: 441.00 р.

As the election draws near, Cuba becomes a powder keg. The exactions of El Santero continue, terrifying the liberators-turned-occupiers and enflaming the spirit of the freedom-starved Cubans. In response, American authorities don't hesitate to use extreme violence to ensure that their candidate will win and become not the president of the Republic of Cuba, but the first governor of the 46th state. For the Spooks, torn between duty and convictions, the danger is real, and choices will have to be made. Вес: **80** Ширина упаковки: **180** Высота упаковки: **10** Глубина упаковки: **260** Количество страниц: **64** Год выпуска: **2014** Автор на обложке: **Xavier Dorison, Fabian Nury** ISBN: **9781849181853**
Spooks Vol. 6: Seth

Spooks Vol. 6: Seth
Цена: 441.00 р.

Morton Chapel's daughter Megan has come out of catatonia at last, but she didn't come back to life alone. Seth, her demonic alter ego, is with her, and the two of them have already wreaked bloody havoc. The hunt is now on between Chapel, who's convinced killing his daughter is the only solution, his team bent on preventing him from doing so, and Megan's grandfather, an insane, megalomaniac industrialist who believes he owes Seth his fortune. Вес: **80** Ширина упаковки: **190** Высота упаковки: **10** Глубина упаковки: **260** Количество страниц: **64** Год выпуска: **2016** Автор на обложке: **Xavier Dorison, Fabian Nury** ISBN: **9781849182881**

Страницы: 1, 2, ... 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, ... 118, 119