Spooks Vol.3: El Santero

Spooks Vol.3: El Santero

Цена: 393.00 р.

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Cuba, 1902. Freed from its Spanish masters by US forces four years ago, the island is still occupied by its erstwhile liberators, some of whom aren't all that eager to leave. American businessmen and politicians would like to see Cuba become a full state, while the Cuban people dream only of freedom. When people begin dying... And then come back to life, the Spooks are sent to investigate the possible involvement of a Cuban priest and rebel leader, known as a santero.
Вес: 65
Ширина упаковки: 190
Высота упаковки: 10
Глубина упаковки: 260
Количество страниц: 56
Год выпуска: 2013
Автор на обложке: Xavier Dorison, Fabian Nury
ISBN: 9781849181709


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