Usagi Yojimbo Book 5: Lone Goat and Kid

Usagi Yojimbo Book 5: Lone Goat and Kid

Цена: 1329.00 р.

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This fifth volume collects the epic-length "Blood Wings," in which Usagi battles a fearsome clan of ninja bats, while "Lone Goat and Kid" offers a cunning and affectionate parody of the famous "Lone Wolf and Cub" manga while doubling as one of Usagi's most dramatic and heartfelt adventures. "Frost and Fire" and "The Way of the Samurai" provide the psychological drama of this volume, which is rounded out by one of the most unique Usagi tales ever, "A Kite Story," which doubles as a fascinating look at the daily life and work of a 17th century Japanese kite maker, dramatically showcasing the thoroughness of Sakai's research and his skills as a storyteller. Featuring a foreword by the legendary Stan Lee!
Вес: 501
Ширина упаковки: 1
Высота упаковки: 1
Глубина упаковки: 1
Количество страниц: 142
Год выпуска: 2005
Автор на обложке: Stan Sakai
ISBN: 9781560970880


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