Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 3 - Conversion

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 3 - Conversion

Цена: 500.00 р.

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The Doctor has been orbiting the terrifying SERVEYOUinc corporation since he burst into the life of new companion Alice Obiefune... Now the truth behind SERVEYOUinc's transtemporal malevolence is revealed: along with all the secrets of loveable shapeshifting protoplasm ARC! Warring Romans in 312 AD! A creeping invasion of Earth! Timey-wimey shenanigans that will make every reader rush back to the previous two volumes and read them all over again!
Автор на обложке: Al Ewing
Год выпуска: 2016
Вес: 501
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