Superman Vol. 2: Return to Glory
Gene Luen Yang

Superman Vol. 2: Return to Glory

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Life as Superman knew it is no more. He’s lost his identity as Clark Kent, his job and almost all of his powers. But he’s still Superman. And, powers or no powers, he’s determined to uncover the mastermind who’s taken everything from him. Superman’s investigation leads him to an underground super-fight club called Mythbrawl, which he joins to make ends meet while he tracks down Hodor_Root, leader of the crime syndicate that leverages secrets for power. Yet he soon discovers the real threat comes from Hodor_Root’s “father,” Vandal Savage, and his orchestrated campaign to reclaim the comet that granted him immortality aeons ago. If Savage succeeds, he’ll grow powerful beyond imagining. And with the comet being drawn closer to Earth, Savage’s “spawn” popping up all over the world and most of his allies incapacitated, there’s no way a powerless Superman can persevere…unless he taps into the one thing that, win or lose, will take its toll on Krypton’s last son.
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Автор: Gene Luen Yang

ISBN: 9781401268305

Издательство: DC Comics

Год выпуска: 2017


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