Penguins Hate Stuff
Greg Stones

Penguins Hate Stuff

Цена: 405.30 р.

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Everyone loves penguins, but penguins hate . . . stuff. All kinds of stuff. Penguins hate zombies. They also hate turtles, bad haircuts, sock monkeys, leprechauns, Halloween, oil rigs, vampire penguins and mermaids. They really hate clowns, but they really like capes, balloons and free vacations. This collection reveals the discriminating tastes of these adorable flightless Antarctic birds who encounter odd foes (snow sharks, beavers, cowboys, samurai and more), but while still managing to enjoy the little things in life. With wit, humour, and the occasional alien invasion, Greg Stones's paintings capture the playfully absurd life of penguins.
Вес: 210
Ширина упаковки: 140
Высота упаковки: 10
Глубина упаковки: 190


Автор: Greg Stones

ISBN: 9781452125503

Год выпуска: 2013


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