Justice League Dark: Volume 5: Paradise Lost
J. M. DeMatteis

Justice League Dark: Volume 5: Paradise Lost

Цена: 839.00 р.

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The fallout from the Justice League Dark's battles with Blight and the Trinity of Sin, during the DC crossover event Forever Evil, has left the team in tatters. Zatanna assumes leadership of the team and prepares to rebuild. With team members angry and confused by Johns Constantine's methods during the fight with Blight and the Trinity of Sin, how will John Constantine fit into this new team, if at all?
Вес: 290
Ширина упаковки: 170
Высота упаковки: 10
Глубина упаковки: 260


Автор: J. M. DeMatteis

ISBN: 9781401250072, 978-1-4012-5007-2

Издательство: DC Comics

Год выпуска: 2015

Серия: Justice League Dark


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