Amazing Spider-Man: Worldwide Vol. 1
Dan Slott, Christos Gage

Amazing Spider-Man: Worldwide Vol. 1

Цена: 1739.00 р.

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The world's greatest super hero goes global! Parker Industries is more successful than ever, with new offices in Shanghai, London and San Francisco. Peter Parker is racking up the frequent fl yer miles - with his "bodyguard" Spider-Man in tow! But success breeds enemies, like the astrological Zodiac, who have widened their scope to threaten the entire planet....and who will battle Spider-Man all across Europe in a massive final showdown! Plus, someone in Africa is masquerading as a member of the Goblin family, and it's up to everyone's favorite wall-crawler to investigate. And in China, the malevolent Mister Negative has two of Spidey's former friends in his thrall - the fan-favorite duo Cloak and Dagger!
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Автор: Dan Slott, Christos Gage

ISBN: 9781302904067

Издательство: Marvel

Год выпуска: 2017


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