Marvel's the Avengers Encyclopediа

Marvel's the Avengers Encyclopediа

Цена: 2079.00 р.

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Marvel's The Avengers Encyclopedia is the most comprehensive volume of Marvel's premier Super Hero team ever. Follow the genesis of the team and the individual heroes - including Captain America, Thor, Iron Man and the Hulk - and their many friends and foes. Super Hero profiles explode from the page with stunning Marvel comic book art. Including more than 250 Marvel Avengers characters and more than 40 teams and line-ups, explore the characters Avengers origins and powers, and read about their defining comic book moments. Plus 20 of the most significant comic book storylines in The Avengers history are profiled throughout. Discover everything there is to know about Earth's Mightiest Super Hero team in Marvel's The Avengers Encyclopedia.


ISBN: 978-0-24118-371-7

Издательство: Дорлинг Киндерсли, Penguin Random House

Год выпуска: 2015


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