Spawn of Mars & Other Stories

Spawn of Mars & Other Stories

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Wallace Wood fans love his sleek, preternaturally lush art, but they especially love his spectacular science fiction.Early in his career, Wood burst onto the scene, demonstrating his mastery of breathtaking planetary vistas, horrifying aliens, and sleek, powerful spaceships pulsing with the power to conquer the stars.This highly anticipated mouth-watering collection features over two dozen stories brimming with Wood’s meticulously detailed, genre-defining brushwork, all with clever twist endings scripted by EC editor Al Feldstein or Wood himselfIn these stories, Wood sets his sights on the details. His spacesuits feel like they actually work. His spacemen are handsome and rugged, and his spacewomen are some of the most beautiful and intrepid ever to sashay across the stars.Included are Wood's early collaborations with the famed science fiction author Harry Harrison—who began his career as Wood's partner.And with titles like “Spawn of Mars,” “The Dark Side of the Moon,” “A Trip to a Star,” “The Invaders,” “The Secret of Saturn’s Ring,” and “The Two-Century Journey,” how can you go wrong? This is EC science fiction at its finest.
Вес: 501
Ширина упаковки: 1
Высота упаковки: 1
Глубина упаковки: 1
Количество страниц: 216
Год выпуска: 2015
Автор на обложке: Wallace Wood
ISBN: 9781606998052


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