Supergirl Vol. 4: Daughter of New Krypton

Supergirl Vol. 4: Daughter of New Krypton

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Does the world need a Supergirl? With the Daily Planet labeling her a super-tart, and her Kryptonian mother questioning her allegiance, Supergirl is lost, confused and angry. Enter Superwoman. At first, the mysterious super-heroine appears a sympathetic friend to the beleaguered Kara. But when Supergirl is tasked with capturing Reactron—a gold Kryptonite-wielding psychopath—it’s clear that Superwoman may not be the ally Supergirl believed. But Supergirl’s not only contending with Superwoman; she’s also struggling to choose sides for the battle Kara’s long-lost Kryptonian parents are waging on Earth. Torn between the people of their adopted home and the survivors of the world they lost, Superman and Supergirl must choose sides…but what happens if they choose differently?
Вес: 501
Ширина упаковки: 1
Высота упаковки: 1
Глубина упаковки: 1
Автор на обложке: Sterling Gates
ISBN: 9781401274825
Год выпуска: 2018
Количество страниц: 348
Язык издания: Английский


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