The Demon by Jack Kirby

The Demon by Jack Kirby

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Discover some of comics’ most daring writing and dynamic art—and thrill to the imaginative power of one of the medium’s greatest masters—in THE DEMON BY JACK KIRBY, collecting the King’s complete 16-issue run on the acclaimed series. Jack Kirby reinvented the superhero genre with his sprawling saga of the fourth world—a bold storytelling vision that was decades ahead of its time. In honor of this extraordinary talent’s centennial, DC Comics is proud to re-present the groundbreaking work of the King of Comics in a brand-new series of trade paperback editions collecting his classic DC titles in all their four-color glory! Following the success of the Fourth World titles, Kirby brought comics fans his most shocking creation yet: THE DEMON! Summoned from the stygian depths by Merlin himself to defend the legendary kingdom of Camelot, a rhyme-slinging hell-spawn known as Etrigan was bound to this mortal coil through the body of his all-too-human host, Jason Blood. But Etrigan’s adventures would continue far beyond the mythic and medieval past. Living on into the present day, Jason Blood became one of the DC Universe’s most powerful masters of magic and the occult—and through it all, his demonic alter ego has stood at the ready, ever eager to unleash his infernal powers in the service of Blood’s undying battle against evil!
Вес: 501
Ширина упаковки: 1
Высота упаковки: 1
Глубина упаковки: 1
Автор на обложке: Jack Kirby
Издательство: DC Comics
ISBN: 9781401277185
Год выпуска: 2017
Количество страниц: 384


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