I Am a Bell End

I Am a Bell End

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Yes, I've committed crimes against the internet: excessively posting selfies, oversharing about my dead nan, spending all day scouring Tinder and suffering FIFA rage. But my therapist tells me that with acceptance comes salvation, so now I'm going to blow the doors off the internet to find the cure. Hold on to your balls while I take down fellow YouTubers, trolls, paedos, catfishers and Nigerian scammers in an all-out assault on the online universe. Also, do you want to know how I became a YouTube kingpin? Back away mo-fo, that title is mine! Jokes... I'll show you how to be a bailer on YouTube, the best ways to get paid online and how you can make the internet your bitch. Prepare to laugh, be horrified and cry to your mum. This is going to get messy. What did you expect? A book full of blank pages, lame challenges and really deep lifestyle tips? Do me a favour. This sh*t is legit!


Автор: KSI

ISBN: 978-1-4091-6123-3

Издательство: Orion Publishing Group Ltd

Год выпуска: 2015


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