Politics For Dummies

Politics For Dummies

Цена: 1006.00 р.

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От издателя

Confused by caucuses, primaries, and pollsters? Puzzled by the various parties and special interest groups? This fun and easy guide cuts through the political jargon and provides clear up-to-date details about everything from legislation to polls to presidential elections - and explains how you can become a political player yourself. Ann DeLaney is the first woman to be nominated by a major party as a candidate for lieutenant governor of Indiana. She has also served as commissioner of the Marion Superior Court.
Вес: 550
Тип обложки (Переплет): Мягкая обложка
Количество страниц: 360
Формат издания: 185x235
Год выпуска: 2002
Автор на обложке: Ann DeLaney
ISBN: 978-0-7645-0887-5
Тип издания: Отдельное издание
Язык издания: Английский
Издательство: Wiley Publishing, Inc
Автор: Ann DeLaney


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