A Hot Glue Gun Mess: Funny Stories, Pretty Diy Projects
Mr. Kate

A Hot Glue Gun Mess: Funny Stories, Pretty Diy Projects

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In this beautiful paperback edition featuring French flaps, hugely popular lifestyle blogger, YouTube star, and designer Mr. Kate (Kate Albrecht) offers a stunning collection of step-by-step personal style and home projects-woven in with quirkily hilarious stories and anecdotes. Do you dream of finding ways to infuse do-it-yourself projects into every aspect of your life and have fun doing it? From the quirky personality behind the Mr. Kate brand comes a not-so-average DIY lifestyle book that will make your dreams of creating unique how-to projects become reality. Filled with 50 unique and approachable projects, along with hysterical, unfiltered stories from Mr. Kate's crazy life, A Hot Glue Gun Mess will show how life can inspire art. Growing up with a high-powered Hollywood father and an oddball, down-to-earth mother, Kate Albrecht had a childhood that was anything but normal. From how her first period influenced her to become an artist to how her friendship with a...


Автор: Mr. Kate

ISBN: 978-0-06-234661-2

Издательство: William Morrow Paperbacks

Год выпуска: 2015


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