PET for Schools Testbuilder (+ CD-ROM)
Rosemary Aravanis, Bryan Stephens

PET for Schools Testbuilder (+ CD-ROM)

Цена: 1659.00 р.

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This popular series is designed to help improve students' exam performance and increase language competence. Task types familiarise students with the tasks they will face in the exam, further practice and guidance pages build confidence in answering them and an expanded answer key gives clear explanations as to why the given answer is correct.


Автор: Rosemary Aravanis, Bryan Stephens

ISBN: 978-0-230-40712-1

Издательство: Macmillan ELT, Macmillan Publishers Limited

Год выпуска: 2011

Серия: Macmillan Testbuilders


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